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Convert Attributes Plug-In...

This plug-in offers you two more ways to handle importing orders
into Quickbooks which contain Attributes.
Proving there is more than one way to skin an attribute :)

By default, QBiOSS handles Attributes by utilizing Quickbooks Sub-Items.
(see "Attributes" in the Help File - still good reading for understanding attributes)
This plug-in allows QBiOSS to handle Attributes without using sub-items.

Once your OXP generated Orders File is loaded into QBiOSS's "grid",
this "grid data" is manipulated...combining Main Items and their
Attributes into single line items. Then, QBiOSS simply sends this
new data to Quickbooks, entering each Item/Attributes combination
as single line items.

With the Convert Attributes plug-in, you have a choice of two different
"modes" of generating these single line items:

Mode 1: Use only Main Item Code - (non-unique)
In this mode, the plug-in performs the following functions:
1. Appends Attribute's Code to the Main Item's Description
2. Adds Attribute's Cost to the Main Items's Cost
3. Removes Attribute line.

For example, an order of:
Qty Code Description Price
1 ShirtA One Cool Shirt $12.95
  Lg   $2.00

Would be combined into this:
Qty Code Description Price
1 ShirtA One Cool Shirt - Lg $14.95

This item can then be sent to Quickbooks as a single item.
All orders for "ShirtA" will be imported to Quickbooks as item "ShirtA",
no matter what Attributes are added to the shirt.
The Attribute Codes are appended to the Main Item's description
so you can see which Attributes the customer choose, and the price
reflects the combined prices of the Main Item and all it's Attributes.

Mode 2: Create Unique Item Codes
In this mode, the plug-in performs the following functions:
1. Appends Attribute Code to the Main Item's Code
2. Appends Attribute's Code to Main Item's Description
3. Adds Attribute's Cost to Main Item's Cost
4. Removes Attribute lines

For example, an order for:
Qty Code Description Price
1 ShirtA One Cool Shirt $12.95
  Lg   $2.00

Would be converted to:
Qty Code Description Price
1 ShirtALg One Cool Shirt - Lg $14.95

You may optionally configure a "separator" when adding the Attribute Code
to the Main Item Code. So, if you configured a dash ( - ) for a separator,
you would get:
Qty Code Description Price
1 ShirtA-Lg One Cool Shirt - Lg $14.95

This allows each Main Item/Attribute combination to be imported to
Quickbooks as Unique Items. This can be very useful for those who use
Manufacturer Codes, which follow a "scheme", to easily sell different
versions of the same product using Attributes.

For example, say a Manufacturer sells a button in 3 colors, and the
codes for these are:
56301 - Button (Black)
56302 - Button (Red)
56303 - Button (White)
In this scheme, the "563" represents this as a "button", then the
"01", "02"...represents the color of the button.

Now, you can simply sell a Button with code "563", then have the
shopper choose the Color with an Attribute...
Attribute Code: 01 for black...and so on.
Then, the Convert Attribute plug-in will combine these for you
before you send the order to Quickbooks.